Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Blair Boards Are Here!

Our two newest demo boards are here, the 8'11" Blair and the 10'1" Blair.

The Dimensions for the 8'11" are: 8’ 11” x 29 ¾” x 4 ½”
The Dimensions for the 10'1" are: 10’ 1” x 32 ½” x 5”

Some of the things that people like about these boards are:

-More kick in the nose of the board, making late take offs a bit easier
-The boards are shorter and more manageable, which makes them more maneuverable
-There is a full concave going into double concave with "V" in the tail, making the board faster
-The fins are moved up 4" further than all other manufacturers so the board is quicker turning.
Here is a video from Joe Blair's Website:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I posted a video of Joe talking about this board and some pics at